You Can Now Personalise Home Experience with Computer Vision and AI

The modern house can be divided into zones that serve a specific purpose. For example, locked door, air conditioning, and smart lighting keep us secure and comfortable, TVs, home cinemas, and sound systems entertain us, while food in refrigerator, electricity and hot water simply maintain us.

As smart homes become smarter, computer vision and artificial intelligence can help to reach new levels of security, comfort, and entertainment in our homes. Computer vision based user information will enhance our lives by producing a smart home which not only shelters us from the outside world but knows who we’re and what we like – such as a personal assistant. Computer vision allows devices/systems to detect and recognize what and who they see. Then, with help of artificial intelligence and deep learning, they can find out our behaviors overtime to provide actions based on what they have been programmed to.

Artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms can add a new level of convenience and security to your everyday life. For example, the smart front door will recognize your face and you don’t need to find a key in your bag or backpack. At the same time, it will be remained locked when unfamiliar face approaches. If a burglar is trying to enter your house and break the lock, the smart home will send an automated signal to the nearest police station.

The alarm systems also will be smarter, meaning that if someone falls or a child is in danger, you will receive a notification on your smartphone. Some manufacturers have already started to offer some smart security features. For example, Nest recently introduced The Nest Cam Indoor security camera. It’s designed to help you look after your home and family and helps solve crimes.

Computer vision and artificial intelligence will give your smart home eyes and brain. It will understand where adjustment of lighting or temperature is needed and will suggest an action. Smart home means lower bills on electricity, gas, and water. In addition to this, smart refrigerators will let you know when you are low on milk or eggs and will order food for you, according to the latest grocery list.

Another great example of personalizing experience is a customised entertainment. Imagine that you are coming back home tired and a TV welcomes you and turns on a suggested content, according to your preferences, without annoying ads, interruptions and can even block inappropriate content if your child is sitting next to you.

Privacy question is the main concern of using smart home experience now. Of course, in order to work properly, computer vision needs to gather your personal data, analyze it and make a final decision. For example, the process of adjusting lights or temperature do not require computer vision algorithms to save, show, or share any video and visual content. It’s needed to determine some specific things with a real-time data reporting, as a number of people, sitting on a sofa in a living room, for example. In order to detect a relevant family member in front of the TV and switch to the appropriate channel if needed, computer vision algorithm will make all calculations will be made in real-time with a help of embedded camera. It means that no data will be stored. Outdoor security cameras and alarm systems require the same privacy protection measures as used today with security and monitoring sensors, and the computer vision layer does not require cloud connectivity or sharing images and videos.

Author: AI For Security

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